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Concordia R-2 School District

TEAM "Game Plan for Greatness"

New to the district and need to enroll your student? Click here to apply to enroll.

Concordia High School Booster Club will host a "Meet the School Board Candidates" on March 18, 6PM, Concordia Elementary School Gymnasium. Please come out and find out more about our candidates.

See the calendar for upcoming events!!

Upcoming Events Food Service Information
Feb. 14: NO CACC
Feb. 14: Courtwarming--All fines, fees, lunch balances MUST be paid
Feb. 16: Special Virtual Board Meeting--7PM, https://meet.google.com/fyg-tckf-soi
Feb. 19: FFA Blood Drive
Feb. 20-22: Lions Club Basketball Tournament for 5th & 6th grade
Feb. 21: Annual FFA Pancake Breakfast--Begins 6AM
Mar. 18: Meet the School Board Candidates--6PM, CES Gymnasium, Hosted by CHS Booster Club
Unless a student qualifies for Free or Reduced meals,
2024-25 meal prices are as follows:
Breakfast: K-6 $2.05; 7-12 $2.20; Adult $2.85
Lunch: K-6 $2.60; 7-8 $2.70; 9-12 $ 2.80; Adult $3.70
Those Qualifying for Reduced Prices:
$0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch
Extra Milk/Juice Prices: $0.50

Forms may be filled out at any time. Contact the school office.

Sign up for our Newsletter

High School 660-463-2246; Elementary School 660-463-2261