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Concordia R-2 School District



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National Bike and Walk to School Week

In honor of the 2019 International Walk to School Day and National Bike to School Day, the Concordia School District Health and Wellness Committee is hosting our 2nd Walk & Bike to School Week. May 6-10, students and staff are encouraged to walk or ride their bikes to school.

During this week, the schools will teach biking/walking safety. The elementary classes will participate in class competitions and receive Character Education information about bicycle and walking safety. Teachers who participate will be allowed to wear jeans to work those days.

Walk and Bike to school week encourages physical activity, pedestrian and bicycle safety, and the environmental benefits of a walk or bike commute. This event strives to promote healthier habits.

"Walking and bicycling to school enables children to incorporate the regular physical activity they need each day while also forming healthy habits that can last a lifetime. Regular physical activity helps children build strong bones, muscles and joints, and it decreases the risk of obesity. In contrast, insufficient physical activity can contribute to chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and stroke.

"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that children and adolescents get one hour or more of physical activity each day. Research suggests that physically active kids are more likely to become healthy, physically active adults, underscoring the importance of developing the habit of regular physical activity early." (http://www.walkbiketoschool.org/learn-more/why-walkbike/)

As stated in the April 25, 2019 DESE Bulletin:

Missouri Bicycle Month
Per Section 9.165, RSMo, the month of May is designated as "Missouri Bicycle Month.” This is to promote bicycling as a viable and environmentally sound form of transportation, provide a source of healthful recreation as well as bicycle safety, and encourage everyone to safely share the road. Missouri is a great destination for bicycle tourism, and bicycling promotes physical fitness, family togetherness and economic development while creating a vibrant, healthy and livable state.

Please show your support and encourage your student to participate in our Walk and Bike to School Week!!