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Oriole Strong: Start Strong!
Concordia Elementary School: 701 SW 4th St, Concordia, MO 64020 PH:660-463-2261 Fax: 660-463-2413

Concordia R-2 School District



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CES Student Dress Code

The purpose of a student dress code is to allow students to learn without any concerns related to dress while still allowing for individual expression in a safe, respectful and responsible way. Students are expected to dress with discretion and appropriateness for the classroom and school functions. The following are specific items of importance, but may not be the only restrictions on dress. The administration will have final approval on any dress code issues.  This information is available on page 5 of the CES Student/Parent Handbook.

1. All clothing worn by students should not interfere with the educational process. Student dress should be free from distractions that would inhibit or distract from the learning climate at school and at school events.

2. Clothing should be of an appropriate length to cover the middle of the body. The top and bottom clothing should overlap.  Students should avoid low cut tops, strapless tops or spaghetti strap tops.

3. Shorts and skirts must be fingertip length or come down to mid-thigh or longer. Many young ladies choose to wear shorts under skirts for physical education class and recess.

4. Shoes must be worn to school. Students should wear appropriate footwear for activities in PE class and for recess. Flips flops, or other backless footwear are not to be worn for recess of PE class. Shoes must be worn at all times during the school day and during school events. Teachers may elect to allow students to remove shoes for special circumstances.

5. Students should remove hats, caps, hoods, sunglasses and any other head coverings that obscure the face or eyes with the exception of attire worn for medical reasons or as an expression of a student’s religious practices.

6. Student should avoid clothing that advertises products dealing with or having references to profanity, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, violence or representing weapons or gangs.

7. Clothing that is in any way unhealthy, dangerous or unsafe will not be permitted.

8. Exceptions may be made to the dress code for field trips and special activities; however, any item of clothing that becomes distractive or dangerous cannot be permitted.

9. Any items not mentioned but deemed inappropriate will be dealt with by the administration.