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LA I Syllabus

August 31, 2016


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Language Arts I


Mrs. Gregory-Sneed

Room 13




Course Description: During Language Arts I you will develop a basic understanding of the proper structure and usage of the English language.  You will gain an understanding of and appreciation for multicultural literature and nonfiction writings.  Language Arts I will also help develop oral, written and visual communication skills, along with proper research and application methods.


Course Expectations: Students need to come prepared to class with the following items daily:            

  • Composition notebook/spiral notebook-to be kept in the classroom
  • Pencil
  • Blue pen
  • Classroom textbook (if taken home)
  • Outside reading book


Failure to bring the necessary items to class will result in a partial or full loss of daily participation points. 


All typed papers, unless otherwise noted, should be typed in Times New Roman size 12 font or Calibri size 11 font, with standard margins.


Beginning of Class: Class will begin with several activities.  For the first 10-15 minutes, students need to come into class, be seated in their assigned seat, complete their DOL (Daily Oral Language), complete their daily writing topic and read silently until time is up.  All of this is to be done alone and quietly, with no need for talking.


Tardies: Students must be in the classroom when the bell rings.  As they will be getting notebooks out for DOL and writing prompts, they do not need to be in their seats, but within a minute of the bell, all students should be in their seats, with their notebooks, writing. Students should use the bathrooms and get water fountain drinks DURING passing time.


Homework: Homework will not be given daily.  It will only be given when it is relevant to the unit we are discussing and will enhance the classroom learning.  Late work will not be accepted.  If the assignment is not relevant to the day’s lesson, the student may complete the assignment during tutor time and still receive credit the same day. If the assignment is being used in class, the student will not be able to complete it during tutor time. Students will get 1 free late assignment pass per course that will allow the student to still receive full credit. Students must notify me on the due date that they plan to use the late pass.


Notebooks: Students will be required to keep a spiral notebook or composition book with their Daily Oral Language (DOL) and daily writing. These books are to be kept in the classroom in the designated crates.  If a student is absent and needs to make up these activities, they may take the book home with the teacher’s permission.  If the book is not in the crate when books are graded, without the teacher’s permission, the student will receive a zero. 


Attendance: 5-10 points will be given daily for class participation.  Students must actively participate in discussions and activities to earn these points.  Guidelines will be given to students daily, so they understand what is expected from them in different activities.  If a student is absent, he or she needs to come see me within 1 block day (orange or black) to see me regarding a makeup assignment. These assignments are short and relevant to the curriculum, but must be done for makeup work.


Classroom Expectations


Academic Integrity:  You are expected to complete your own assignments.  If you have questions or difficulties regarding a certain assignment, come to me to discuss your concerns.  I do not accept plagiarized work.  (Plagiarism is using someone else’s words or thoughts as your own.)  Thus, if you plagiarize in class, you will

  1. Receive ISS...AND
  2. Redo the assignment in order to receive a zero in the grade book. (Otherwise, your score will be incomplete, and you will not pass the class.)


Cheating on any formal assessment will result in a failing grade on the quiz or test and ISS


Classroom Rules:

  • Respect others
  • Follow directions
  • Be open minded


Food and Drink: We will follow the rules set forth in the school handbook regarding food and drink in the classroom.


Cell Phones: We will follow the rules set forth in the school handbook cell phones in the classroom.




I, _______________________________________, parent of ___________________________


have read the above syllabus concerning my child’s Language Arts class.


Child’s Name (printed)_____________________________________________

Parent’s Name (printed)____________________________________________


Parent’s Email Address__________________________________________________